Engine Rebuilds
Engine Rebuilds Options......
Having hot start problems, idling issues and/or the vehicle emissions smell heavily of Petrol? then it normally means an engine rebuild. But don’t panic, let us see the vehicle, conduct a compression test, as its not always terminal!
Mazda Rx8 Engine rebuild prices start at £2450 incl. vat.
Mazda Rx7 FD Engine rebuild prices typically start at £3950 incl. vat. Prices vary depending on engine condition and build requirements, please talk to us for an accurate price breakdown.
If external engine parts need repairing or replacing e.g. Coils, Clutch, Leads, etc. we always quote upfront, so no nasty surprises!. Without major inspection these types of issues can’t be determined prior to engine removal. (See conditions).
If you want to remove the engine yourself, we offer engine only rebuilds, either bare block or ancillaries fitted. We also offer our customers the option to see step-by-step engine rebuilds. Warranty on Bare Blocks is limited to faulty or broken parts on receipt of Engine. The Performance Shop has no control over the installation and or the use of appropriate parts/fluids, therefore normal warranties will not apply (See conditions).
We only use genuine Mazda parts, its the correct route to achieve a reliable build and peace of mind.
Standard rebuilds come with a 1-year or 15,000 mile warranty (conditions apply)
All builds include half priced 1000 mile (interim) service. Engines are limited to 5000rpm for the first 1000 mile to ensure longevity of engine rebuild.
Mazda Rx8 Engine rebuilds in include:
- Front Cover Gasket
- Oil Control Ring Springs Set
- Apex seals
- Apex seal spring set
- Side Seal
- Side Seal Springs
- Corner Seal set
- Corner Seal Spring set
- Water seal Inner and Outer
- Rotor Oil Seals
- Through Bolt Seals
- Dowel "0" ring Set
- Eccentric shaft oil seals
- Stationary Gear Bearings
- Rotor Bearings
- Oil Pick-Up Washer
- Large Rear O Ring
- Thermostat Housing Gasket
- Waterpump Gasket
- Engines come painted in a colour of your choice. (Within reason!)
- All Mazda Original Parts
Mazda Rx8 Prices:
- Engine Rebuild Only £2450 incl. vat.
- Engine Removal/Install plus Rebuild £2950.00 incl. vat.
- Re-Ground Housings: £200 each, £350 per set incl.vat.
- Lapped Irons: £ POA per set incl.vat.
- Porting
- Street Port £300.00 incl.vat.
- Large Street Port £400.00 incl.vat.
- Half Bridge Port £500.00 incl.vat.
- Full Bridge Port £700.00 incl.vat.
- Lightened Flywheel
- Lightened and Balanced Rotating Assembly
- Lightened Rotors
- Turbo
- Induction
- Custom Exhaust
- Etc. Talk to us about your requirements and expectations.
Re-Ground Housings:
Before - After